Equity & Derivative Trading
Our Equity & Derivative Trading Platform allows clients to get a view of all relevant terms present in trading documents for each fund across their business. Users can negotiate better terms, control costs and service level standards and maintain compliance across all of their trading relationships with ease. Most importantly, all data are verifiable to the source documents, leaving no doubt as to data integrity.
Trusted by Industry Leaders
Use Cases
Cross-Compare Contract Terms
Identify inconsistencies and irregularities across contractual agreements within fund entities and counterparties.
Negotiate and renegotiate more attractive terms based on precedent.
Easily view and understand dependencies between various counterparty contracts and obligations.
Comply with Counterparty Obligations
Understand and act on your counterparty obligation across all of your trading relationships, including key person events, NAV triggers, financial statement reporting obligations and more.
Standardize your counterparty commitments, triggers and thresholds across your organization and with clients.
Document Processing
The Street Diligence platform processes all types of equity and derivative trading documents globally.